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Gordon Boyle

I offer 35 years of dental experience allowing me to help colleagues in their career journey, to travel from feeling “Lost to Good to Great!”

Since graduating BDS from University of Dundee in 1987 I have been working in General Dental Practice in Glasgow. During this 35 years of practice, I have been an associate, partner and sole owner in both NHS and private practice offering a wide range of family dental services from the fundamentals of preventative dentistry to advanced restorative care.

I gained my MJDF RCS (Eng) by examination in 2011 transferred to MCGDent in 2020 subsequently elected to FCGDent in 2023 and MFDS RCPS (Glasg) by non-examination entry in 2013. I have undertaken a wide range of post-graduate education from core CPD subjects to surgical and restorative implant training and CAD/CAM restorative dentistry.

I have provided Simply Health Professionals with consultancy services as a Dental Practice Adviser for Scotland since November 2015. I have since been appointed to a more senior position within the advisory team and now sit on the Denplan Excel Board which overviews the Denplan Excel quality assurance programme. A significant part of the adviser role involves peer review of general dental practitioners with a focus on practice risk management and clinical care including the auditing of patient records focussing on consent, clinical risk assessment, medical history taking, periodontal monitoring and radiographic practice.

I have provided services as an Expert Witness in General Dental Practice since April 2014 in litigation and personal injury cases and GDC Professional Conduct Committee Hearings where I have given evidence in person and hold the Cardiff University Bond Solon Civil Expert Witness Certificate.

As I reflect on my career, acting as a mentor for my team and colleagues but also benefitting from being a mentee in my own development, I have come to appreciate the value of mentorship in augmenting traditional learning for both professional and personal development and now offer that experience to the wider dental community.


Email[email protected]
Telephone07734 052365
Registrant GroupDentist