I qualified from Birmingham University in 2001. I am a Principal Dentist at a busy NHS general dental practice since 2008. My work allows me to understand the pressures and challenges that my dental colleagues have to face from a professional perspective.
I am an Approved Mentor for Health Education North-West and have come across a wide variety of cases in my time as a mentor since 2015. This experience includes supporting registrants during GDC Fitness to Practice cases and NHS England investigations. As a mentor, I have been able to help and support registrants to prepare themselves for the difficulties they face during these cases. This support includes organising and development of a PDP, signposting for relevant courses and providing feedback with regards to work, such as audits and reflections, which will form part of the remediation evidence that is sent to regulatory bodies.
I have also been an Educational Supervisor for Foundation Dentists since 2010 and always look forward to the fresh challenge of a new Foundation Dentist every year.
I am enthusiastic about teaching and leading a productive dental team and am always looking for ways to improve my teaching skills and clinical expertise.
Dental Mentors UK is run by two experienced dental mentors.
We are:
We believe that all dental professionals would benefit from regularly working with a mentor from a personal as well as a professional point of view. Mentors are experienced dental professionals who can guide and support you throughout your career.
+44 (0)7500 017845
or +44 (0)781 4830080